Langham Hall UK AIFM Statement of engagement with UK Stewardship Code

Langham Hall UK AIFM – UK Stewardship Code 2020

Under COBS 2.2.3 of the FCA Handbook, we are required to disclose the nature of our commitment to the Financial Reporting Council’s UK Stewardship Code (“the Code”).

The Code sets high stewardship standards for those investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners, and those that support them. The Code comprises a set of 12 ‘apply and explain’ principles for asset managers and asset owners. Adherence to the Code is voluntary.

Langham Hall UK AIFM supports the principles of the Code but do not consider it practicable at this present time to commit to full adherence with the Code because of the nascent stage of implementation of ESG processes and procedures by service providers to the funds under our management to ensure meaningful adherence and reporting against the Code.

The investment objectives, target investors and restrictions of the funds that we manage are widely different so one far-reaching policy on Stewardship to cover every sector and circumstance would not be possible at this present time.

We commit to promote the principles of the code and highlight these to service providers that we engage in relation to the funds that we manage. We commit to reviewing our processes and procedures to implement an increasing level of attention to ESG matters in investment management.

We expect to continuously review our position on this matter as ESG considerations are more fully embedded within our investment community and commit to directing more of our funds towards better integration of these principles in the management of the assets.

Last reviewed March 2021.

For further details on the UK Stewardship Code, please click here.